Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What is the greenest animal??

I am not expert on zoology, but I have an idea....the Cat!

Here is why:

1. Cats bath with no electricity to hot the water...with not water at all for that matter. Totally Green!
2. Cats have a totally natural and organic diet(think wildcats, not Sparky eating Whiskas)
3. Cats can see in the dark, so no need for electric lighting.
4. Cats bury their own poop, where it can compost itself(WARNING: Before you start composting your animals poop, there are many health considerations. For the sake of this article, we will assume they are NOT composting our vegetable garden)

Pretty darn green and sustainable eh??

So how does the circle of toxins and pollutions work?

You clean your house with non-organic cleaners that release toxin's and pollutants in the air.

These settle on your cats fur and your cat begins to bathe itself. Now these toxin's are ingested and living inside your cat.

Your cat goes out into the garden and goes potty, where this toxins are now released in to the soil.

A non-edible plant grows, still containing a small bit of toxins from the feces.

A mouse comes along and nibbles on this plant, now the mouse has ingested toxin's.

Your cat stumbles upon this mouse and decides to have snack!

A full circle of toxins...all starting from a household product that could easily be toxin free!

This was quite an exhaustive breakdown, but it goes to show that we all have an impact(no matter how small) on the earth and those around us.

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