Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Turn down the faucet

I have always had this idea that you must have the faucet on full blast to wash my hands, or while I shave. Today I tried the same processes while cranking the faucet back to about half power.

It was just as effective!!!

You can use less than half the amount of water by just turning down the faucet to less water pressure.

Try it next time and see that it makes no difference and you save a ton of water.

What is the greenest animal??

I am not expert on zoology, but I have an idea....the Cat!

Here is why:

1. Cats bath with no electricity to hot the water...with not water at all for that matter. Totally Green!
2. Cats have a totally natural and organic diet(think wildcats, not Sparky eating Whiskas)
3. Cats can see in the dark, so no need for electric lighting.
4. Cats bury their own poop, where it can compost itself(WARNING: Before you start composting your animals poop, there are many health considerations. For the sake of this article, we will assume they are NOT composting our vegetable garden)

Pretty darn green and sustainable eh??

So how does the circle of toxins and pollutions work?

You clean your house with non-organic cleaners that release toxin's and pollutants in the air.

These settle on your cats fur and your cat begins to bathe itself. Now these toxin's are ingested and living inside your cat.

Your cat goes out into the garden and goes potty, where this toxins are now released in to the soil.

A non-edible plant grows, still containing a small bit of toxins from the feces.

A mouse comes along and nibbles on this plant, now the mouse has ingested toxin's.

Your cat stumbles upon this mouse and decides to have snack!

A full circle of toxins...all starting from a household product that could easily be toxin free!

This was quite an exhaustive breakdown, but it goes to show that we all have an impact(no matter how small) on the earth and those around us.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Crazy Construction!!

My uncle actually has a neighbor who built a house that looks just like an airplane. It is the craziest thing!

But what if the house WAS an airplane? Seems far fetched? Think again...Check out this article on ways people are recycling items to make their house.

Wacky Houses

Kor is Green!!

I thought I would toot my own horn a bit. I have recently joined the "green team" at Avalon Hotel, where I work. Avalon is part of Kor Hotels and is taking a proactive approach to becoming more environmentally conscious and green.

Next time you are taking a vacation, going shopping, buying something online, take a minute to check out the green initiatives that the company is taking.

Trust Me!! If they are going green, they will have it on their website.

Here is an example of Kor Hotels and what they are doing to help the earth.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This is not done overnight!

I was so proud of myself because I took the stairs to the street, than walked to the cafe down the street for breakfast. I then went to get water and realized the cups were very small...no problem...I just took two. I figured this would save me a trip later. Then I realized I just used two disposable cups for no reason whatsoever!!

There are so many little and big things we can do to make a difference and for me, it will take some lifestyle changes.

No more lazy and selfish moves like that for Green Billy!!!

Coolest Showerhead Ever!!!

Do you ever have to run your shower for a long time until it gets hot?

I know that most of my current readers live in areas that can get quite chilly at times. I found the Roadrunner Showerhead from Evolve.

The shower automatically shuts down to a trickle when the shower is hot and ready to go. You don't waste any of that hot water while you do other things.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Get rid of those old light bulbs!!

Wanna live a little greener and have a wallet that is a little greener?? Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs(CFL). You can save about $30 per light bulb during its life. Some city utilities even offer CFL's for free. Check out the website of your energy provider.

These bulbs even burn cooler, so they are safer around the house.

There are just a few things to know:

1. Do not throw CFL's away - They contain a minuscule amount of mercury and should be recycled responsibly. Just look on the web, but there are many places that recycle light bulbs.

2. CFL's do not work well with dimmers or motion sensors

Everyone loves a few extra bucks and you can be doing the earth a favor at the same time.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Living with Ed

I had always heard that Ed Begley Jr. was a "freak" about the earth. I decided to rent the reality show called "Living with Ed". It is about her "Hollywood" life and his "simple" life. They come together to create some very funny moments. The thing that excited me the most was his solar panel system. He runs all of his energy off of these solar panels. It is really fascinating!!

Check it out if you have a chance.

Green Billy is born!!

Good Evening everyone! Today is the first day of the rest of my GREEN life. I used to laugh at people that talk about thier moments of clarity, but I am now a believer. One day when I was at my girlfriend Sara's house, I spied some thirsty plants and an old fashioned watering can. I went out, filled the can, and starting watering those plants. I realized it was so calming and therapeutic that I needed to do more of this. After having several conversations with people around me, especially my mother, and my buddy Ryan at work, I decided it was time for me to make a change.

I will now begin living a part of my life as "Green Billy". Nothing drastic! Just little by little making a positive difference on this earth and for this earth.

Come along with me as I begin this journey and hopefully inspire some of you to come along with me.